Advancing Humanity's Cosmic Destiny

Diplomatic oversight for extraterrestrial expansion and celestial governance

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Department of Galactic Affairs was established to oversee diplomatic relations as humanity expands its influence across the stars. We coordinate interstellar negotiations, establish protocols for celestial governance, and ensure the ethical expansion of human civilization throughout the cosmos.

As a subdivision of the Strategic Evolution and Galactic Affairs League, we operate with the highest standards of diplomatic integrity while advancing humanity's rightful place among the stars.


Celestial Bodies Under Governance


Diplomatic Missions


Citizens Represented

Strategic Initiatives

Extraterrestrial Settlement

Establishing sustainable human outposts across promising celestial bodies in our solar system and beyond.

Cosmic Jurisprudence

Developing legal frameworks for territorial claims and resource utilization beyond Earth's boundaries.

Celestial Infrastructure

Building communication networks and transportation systems connecting Earth with offworld colonies.

Scientific Advancement

Supporting research initiatives that facilitate humanity's adaption to diverse cosmic environments.

Diplomacy & Governance

Diplomatic Meeting

Cosmic Governance Framework

Our diplomatic corps oversees the implementation of the Cosmic Governance Framework, a comprehensive system for managing human expansion across the stars with dignity and strategic purpose.

Interplanetary Relations

We maintain diplomatic channels between Earth and all human settlements, ensuring cohesive policies that benefit humanity as a whole while respecting the unique needs of each outpost.

Learn More About Our Protocols

Contact the Department

1 Galactic Headquarters, Luna Colony

+1 (555) COSMOS-1